2021 edition

8th to 9th July, 2021

When we have the conversation on climate conservation in Africa, it is not about the reduction of emission but rather about resilience and adaptation. How will we essentially make it through?
Wanjira Mathai, World Resources Initiative

Who attended

Day 1 sessions

Spoken Word & Welcome Note

Nicole Agneta - Poet and Spoken word artist
Judy Kibinge - Filmmaker / Founder of East African Documentary Film Fund (DOCUBOX)
Wanja Emily - Impact Producer

Docubox, CJRF, Doc Society and Christian Aid.

Day 2 sessions

Opening Illustration and Welcome Note

What's your Flamingo Story? and Welcome to day 2

Billy Mugambi - Cartoonist/Illustrator/ Sketcher
Judy Kibinge - Filmmaker / Founder of East African Documentary Film Fund (DOCUBOX)
Wanja Emily - Impact Producer

Docubox, CJRF, ...
Doc Society and Christian Aid.[+] Show More
2021 supporters & partners

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