Daniel Manyasi

Social Worker, Single Mothers Association of Kenya


Social Impact Media Awards (SIMA) trained, Manyasi uses photography and video as an approach to document rights violations, raise awareness and share knowledge on social-cultural and environmental issues. The impact of this is in capacity-building through Participatory Video (PV). A thespian, he acts to champion for gender parity and advocate against sexual and gender-based/domestic violence.
His other passions are preservation and protection of heritage (historic places and community archives) and using story-telling to explore historic injustice. A stamp-collector, avid bird-watcher, he promotes Wildlife Clubs, music, dance and drama (MDD) in communities. He aspires to be a mushroom and butterfly farmer. Currently, he is documenting the on-going state-led displacement resulting to the urban-poor gentrification and densification of Nairobi city’s Eastlands housing estates.
By researching on Development-induced Displacement and Resettlement (DIDR) and Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) in Kenya, he hopes to expose multi-nationals negative effect as social vulnerable, such as; forced-evictions, money-laundering, modern-day slavery and narcotic trafficking.