Anita Soina

Climate Activist/Young Leader, Politician

Panel | Session

Climate Leadership


Hi, my name is Anita Soina, a 22 year old female Kenyan citizen who identifies as a member of minority community of Kenya i.e Maasai community. Growing up, I connected with the challenges and opportunities in the surrounding and got charged to be a force behind social change leveraging on environmental conservation which has been a contentious issue in this region and entire country.

With the crucial role that politics constantly play in international environmental governance, economic and social prosperity of communities, I contemplated on fighting the Green War from the corridors of power and sponsor the interests of young people and women who are highly underrepresented in active political arena.

I vied for the seat of Member Of parliament in the Kenya’s 2022 General Election with commitments to a healthy and safe environment but that does not mean I am committed to that alone. I am committed to other social, economic and political issues too.