Aminata Kamara

Senior Program Manager, Purposeful


Aminata is a feminist and an adolescent girls programme specialist. She is passionate about designing, implementing and managing programmes that create an enabling platform for adolescent girls to discover themselves, make informed decisions pertaining their lives and be their unapologetic selves.
She has close to a decade of experience in managing and delivering social and economic empowerment programmes for adolescent girls and boys through different civil society organizations like BRAC & Initiative for Children and Youth Improvement (ICYI). She is an expert trainer on programme management, Life Skills, communication soft-skills and has rolled out training sessions for adolescent girls and colleagues in her line of work.
Also, she has conducted research on understanding the sexual and reproductive health issues of adolescent girls in Sierra Leone after the Ebola epidemic which was funded by Irish Aid. She is currently a Senior Programme Manager at Purposeful, where she embarks grant-making with the With and for Girls Fund Team.